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404-323-2408    |  dogsdreamranch@gmail.com

Rotten Dog Sports Lodge located in Brasleton, GA

Rotten Dog Sports Lodge

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Rotten Dog Sports Lodge posts our activities at the lodge and it is displayed from our facebook channel.

Recently we carved out a new parking area and new ways to enter and exit. 

Look at our schedule today  and book a time for your pupper.

Posted below are some pictures of puppers that have visited or stayed with us and had a really fun time. 

If some time away is needed we can watch your puppers. Check out our boarding page. 

Ahhhh A nice, relaxing swim in my favorite pool. Bonnie enjoying a great time A little pep in the step at the holidays Lennox taking a run Crush at St Pattys Day Party The Hounds Lennox checking out the gifts Levi at checking to make sure the decorations are in the right place. Just getting my legs on give me some time.